Distant Mental Influence by William Braud

Distant Mental Influence by William Braud

Author:William Braud
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing


The findings of distant mental influence research with living target systems may have important implications for healing and for social influence. If arbitrarily selected physiological processes of living organisms can be influenced mentally in an arbitrary manner in experimental contexts, does this not suggest that, in principle, similar mental influences could be directed to bodily organs, tissues, or cells in a manner favorable to health and well-being? If behavioral tendencies can be influenced in the laboratory, does this not suggest that decisions, behaviors, and social actions could be influenced psychically in everyday life? There are a number of “pathways” through which distant mental influence might bring about healing or other practical effects.

Physiological or biochemical processes in one person might be directly influenced by another person. Such an influence could correct an imbalanced or diseased process or could forestall possible medical problems.

The mental influence of one person might trigger the self-healing capabilities of another person; the influence might instill in the latter an awareness of a problem, an increased wish to initiate or increase self-healing, or simply provide an opportunity to engage in more efficient self-healing.

The mental influence might provide increased motivation for self-healing through instilling greater feelings of self-worth, increased knowledge of reasons for self-healing, or simply an increased awareness that significant others truly desire and expect one's improvement.

Conceivably, distant mental influence could remove physical or psychological impediments to the physical healing process.

Especially in situations in which two or more decisions have approximately the same likelihood, a distant mental influence could bias the decisionmaking process toward or away from one of the choices. Such processes as walking or driving patterns, purchasing behavior, voting tendencies, and so on might be influenced in this way. The consequences of such influenced decisions could be trivial or profound.

Paradoxically, distant mental influence could be used to instill or strengthen attitudes of self-responsibility or internal locus of control which could minimize the subsequent suggestive influences of others. This would be analogous to hypnotizing someone, then suggesting that he or she could no longer be hypnotized.

Distant mental influence conceivably could influence the accessibility of memories, alter perceptions, feelings, or the timing and sequencing of actions; such alterations could, in turn, have trivial or profound individual or social effects.


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